Guía de inicio rápido
Welcome to Villa Check In’s Portal Quick Start Guide.
The purpose of this guide is to introduce new clients to the portal and outline its features.
Go to the portal using a PC or Mac or Tablet (mobiles are not yet supported)
Log in using your Email and use vci@123456 as the password DO NOT SAVE THIS PASSWORD! As It is temporary.
You will be asked to change the password. Do this ensuring you use at least 8 characters.
Log in again with these new details. You will then be greeted with the Booking Calendar.
1) The Bookings Calendar
Box 1 - You'll find the drop down for picking a property. If you have more than one, they will be listed here.
Box 2 - This is your Create Booking button. Click here to begin adding a new booking.
Box 3 - This is an existing booking. If it's green it is completed. If it's amber it's been sent to the guest but is not yet completed and if it's red, it's not been processed as it is missing the guests email address.
Box 4 - This takes you to your properties where you can edit your details. Click on 'My Properties', next to the name of your property is an Actions button. Click this and choose Edit. You will see your property details as follows:-
2) Editing your Property
Box 1 - This is your access info i.e. Keybox code, Alarm (if it's Securitas it will say so), Gate Code if applicable and your emergency contact info.
Box 2 - This is the property address, if you need to edit it, do it here
Box 3 - This Is the notes section. This is where you can add any info you'd like the guest to receive the day before they arrive such as directions, check in times, WiFi details etc. etc.
All of this info is sent at 9am the day before your guests travel (presuming they are fully registered) via email.
3) Adding a new booking
Box 1 - This is where you choose your property from the drop down.
Box 2 - This is where you choose the arrival and departure dates.
Box 3 - This is the night stayed which will auto calculate based on the dates in Box 2.
Box 4 - This is the mobile number. Add the Country Code by searching in this field, i.e. Uni and a list of all countries which begin with Uni such as 'United Kingdom' OR type '44' if you know the code itself.
Box 5 - This is the Lead Guests Full Name
Box 6 - This is the Lead guests Email (THE MOST IMPORTANT FIELD) nothing will happen with the booking until this is added i.e. the booking will show as red in your calendar.
Box 7 - This is the guest count. Please be accurate here as, if the guest has less people to register they will not have completed the registration and you will need to reduce the quantity and if they want to add more guests than the number you provide, they will not be able to and you will need to increase the count accordingly.
Box 8 - This is a notes section. If you'd like to let us know of anything regarding this booking, please add it here.
Once the booking is complete, press Create (bottom right) and you will be taken to your calendar for the current month. If the booking you added is in the future, you can navigate forward in the calendar by pressing Next until you are in the correct month. To go back to the current month, press today. If you added all of the correct info (especially the email) the booking will go amber confirming the initial email has been sent to them.
4) What Happens next?
When you have created a new booking it will be in one of three stages.
RED - The email is missing, the booking will not be processed. Please get the email, add it to the booking as soon as you can. We do create the booking link even though the email is missing so you can copy this and send it to your guest via their booking platform if required (helpful for Airbnb bookings as there is no email provided any longer) but… if we don’t have the email they will not be chased and they will not receive their access details the day before they travel. For Airbnb booking specifically, please add as the email address. This will flag the booking to our team and we will attempt to contact the guests via WhatsApp
AMBER - Once the Email is added, the booking will be sent to our systems for processing. See the email templates below for more details.
GREEN - All guests have been registered, we have their email and the booking is complete. They will receive their access details, vial email, the day before they travel.
As long as the booking is GREEN, the system will send the guests an email the day before they arrive providing them with all of the details you have added in the Editing your Property section.
The system will then send the data (passport info, home addresses etc.) to the SES Hospedajes system on the day of arrival and you and your guests are 100% compliant.
5) Email Templates
Template 1 - This template is sent when you’ve added a booking which includes the lead guests CORRECT email. Please double check the email is correct before creating the booking or this email will not be sent.
We are Villa Check In and we work with the owners of PROPERTY NAME to register guests with the authorities in accordance with Spanish law.
This is just a quick email to remind you that, 7 days before your arrival, we will send you a link to register your group online.
We are 100% GDPR compliant and will never share your details with anyone other than the Spanish authorities.
Please look out for the link via email. If you'd like to get your guest registration done sooner, here's your link below to register (we ask that guests are registered at least 5 days before they travel).
Best regards
Template 2 - This template is sent 7/5/3/2/1 days before your guests arrival presuming they have not yet registered
Dear LEAD GUEST FIRST NAME, this is Villa Check In.
It is now X days to your arrival at PROPERTY NAME and time to fully register your group.
It is a legal requirement in Spain for everyone (including children) to be registered with the authorities before arriving at the property.
Please follow this link to do so.
Once you have fully registered, we will email you your access details (keybox codes, full address etc.) at 9am, the day before you travel.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Template 3 - This email is sent as soon as the registration is completed.
Thank you for registering your group for your stay. Here are the details we have on file:
Quantity of Guests including minors = X *total count of all guests registered
We will email you your access information (keybox code, alarm info, address etc.) at 9am the day before you travel.
If you have any questions regarding your stay (check in or check out times, facilities etc.), please refer to your booking confirmation for contact details.
Best regards
Template 4 - This is the most important email. This is sent at 9AM GMT the day before arrival. It includes all of the details you entered into your propert record in the portal such as the address of the property, keybox code, gate code, alarm info, notes etc. It looks something like this:-
Dear LEAD GUEST FIRST NAME, thanks for registering with us.
You are booked to enter Villa Luar on 01/01/2001. Your check in time will have been confirmed in the details you received when you booked.
IMPORTANT: Please reply to this email confirming receipt.
Here is your access information:
Calle Montaña Blanca XX
Residencial Costa Papagayo
Playa Blanca
Door code: XXXX
Alarm code: Securitas
Gate code: Free Parking in driveway
Primary Contact: Joe Blogs +34 711013086
SECURITAS ALARM INSTRUCTIONS The door code is for the keybox which will be outside the front door of the property. Inside you will find the key and, if the property has a Securitas alarm, an alarm fob. If you enter the property and hear a beeping sound, simply put the fob up to the alarm unit and it will go green i.e. disarm. To rearm when you leave, press the top left hand button and exit the property.
NOTES Directions: From Femes - Drive into the urban area and take the right hand turn into Calle La Concha. Drive over the first roundabout, and 100 metres up on the right you will find Calle Montaña Blanca. At the bottom turn left, you will find Villa Luar right in front of you at the end of the cul-de-sac. Directions From the LZ2 - When you come to the Windmill roundabout, turn left and follow the road until you reach a T junction. Turn left and then first right into Calle La Mercedes. When you reach the roundabout, turn right and 100 metres up on the right you will find Calle Montaña Blanca. At the bottom turn left, you will find Villa Luar right in front of you at the end of the cul-de-sac.
If you have any questions or issues while in the property, PLEASE DON’T CONTACT US DIRECTLY, WE ONLY PROVIDE GUEST REGISTRATION SERVICES. Please call the Primary Contact number above.​
We hope you enjoy your holiday!​
Best regards
6) Some info and tips
Our system required ALL GUESTS, including children to be registered. For children under 14, the system does not require passport data, only name DOB etc.
If you have a booking where there are multiple arrival and/or departure dates, you need to get this info and add these different arrivals/departures as unique bookings. Think of it like a hotel, if people are in the property for different periods, they must be checked in as a different booking. If all guests arrive on the same day (regardless of when they arrive or leave on the day) they are a single booking.
If things change regarding your property, just log in to the portal, edit your property and apply the changes. Keybox codes, gate codes etc. and don’t forget, anything you add to the notes will be sent to them the day before they travel with their access info.
If things change regarding a specific booking, again, just edit it and update the details such as names, phone numbers, emails or the dates themselves. The link remains the same. DO NOT CANCEL and recreate a booking unless the booking is cancelled. If you duplicate a booking the guest receives 2 different links which confuses them and us.
If you decide to stop renting, even for a few months, please advise us of this so we can pause your property. This helps us with resources and costs as our system is based on the amount of properties we have active. As soon as you wish to begin renting again, just inform us and your property will be active again.